The extensive process guide and the below documents were developed by Sustainable CUNY's Smart DG Hub in collaboration with NYC agencies, Con Edison and other stakeholders.
Energy Storage Permitting and Interconnection Process Guide for New York City
This document provides project developers, building owners, and other ESS project stakeholders with a comprehensive overview and detailed breakdown of the approval processes and requirements for outdoor lithium-ion based ESS in NYC.
ESS PTA Applications – Interim Process for Alt-CO Job
5/1/2024 DOB has shared guidance for ESS PTA filings for Alt-CO jobs, as reflected in this 'ESS PTA Applications – Interim Process for Alt-CO Job Filings' document for new job filings, as well as a retroactive process for ESS jobs already in the review queue.
New York City Energy Storage Systems Zoning Guide
2nd Edition 4/25/2024 This high-level navigational guide to understanding zoning provisions applicable to ESS provides a comprehensive overview of the recent ESS-related zoning changes in NYC and summarizes zoning requirements applicable to both Accessory & Non-Accessory ESS.
Quick Guide: FDNY Certificate of Approval for Energy Storage Systems Products
This guide is aimed at helping energy storage industry stakeholders, particularly within the manufacturing, product supplier or integrator ecosystems, understand and navigate the steps for submitting an FDNY Certificate of Approval application for ESS products.
FDNY Installation Approval Site Plan for Large Systems
This site plan checklist provides guidance on creating site plan materials, a key component of the permitting application package for Large ESS. Includes visual aids examples.
New York City Conceptual Design Meeting Prep Checklist
The checklist is intended as an aide to help project developers who are in the early stages of project exploration and development, prior to initial meetings with AHJs.
New York City Emergency Management Plan Guidance
This document will assist developers by providing an outline and template for the required emergency management plan which is an important component of the application package for FDNY approval.
UL 9540A Data Utilization Guide for NYC: Flow Charts
This UL 9540A Data Utilization Guide for NYC: Flow Charts document is intended as a supplement to the Outdoor Permitting Guide. It provides high-level guidance on the utilization of data obtained from UL 9540A, Test Method for Evaluating Thermal Runaway Fire Propagation in Battery Energy Storage Systems, which is a key component of all lithium-ion based energy storage permitting applications under consideration by NYC AHJs.
New York City Solar and Storage Installer Workshops
Sustainable CUNY's Smart DG Ombudsman partner with NYS and NYC agencies and authorities, utilities, and subject matter experts to conduct workshops for solar and storage installers and the stakeholder community. A complete recording of the 2021 workshop, as well as individual presentations, can be found at the above link.