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Step by Step

  1. Evaluate your properties' solar potential (see the NY Solar Map solar potential calculator)

  2. Check eligibility for solar incentives

  3. Gather energy bills and contact solar installers: this option is available on the NY Solar Map once you have viewed your properties potential.

  4. Receive remote and on-site evaluations from contractors to get at least 3 quotes

  5. Check with your installer to see if your roof needs to be reinforced or replaced

  6. Contact references from solar contractors

  7. Evaluate costs and financing options to decide on direct ownership or third-party ownership

  8. Sign contract with selected solar installer

  9. The solar contractor files applications for incentives and permits; the installation moves forward

  10. A typical installation takes just 1-2 days, be sure to work with a tax attorney or accountant to file for tax credits once your installation is activated