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2024 NYC Solar + Storage Summit

Thursday, June 27, 2024


All Decarbonization Pathways Run through NYC

CUNY, through the Office of Sustainability and Energy Conservation (Sustainable CUNY), Facilities Planning, Construction and Management, has partnered with the New York Solar Energy Industries Association to host the 15th NYC Solar + Storage Summit with an anticipated audience of over 600 industry stakeholders, government officials, community organizations and academics.


9:00 AM


Mohamed Attalla VC for Facilities Planning, Construction and Management, CUNY

Hector Batista Executive VC and Chief Operating Officer, CUNY

Daniel Montant Board President, NYSEIA

9:15 AM Decarbonizing NYC:Building the Grid of the Future Today
  Gerald W. Lynch Theater
Electrification will drive massive growth in electricity demand in NYC, where our local power supply is dominated by in-City fossil fuel generators. Join this morning conversation with the New York Public Service Commission, NYSERDA and senior leaders from Con Edison and the New York Power Authority to learn how New York’s agencies, utilities, and regulators are progressing in their efforts to meet load growth while reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Moderator: Tria Case Uni. Exec. Dir. of Sustainability and Energy Conservation, CUNY

Rory Christian Chair & CEO, New York Public Service Commission
Doreen Harris
President & CEO, NYSERDA
Justin Driscoll President & CEO, NYPA
Matthew Ketschke President & CEO, Con Edison

10:15 AM
NYC's Rooftop Renaissance
  Gerald W. Lynch Theater
Over the last decade, NYC has transformed from a sleepy solar market to the hottest rooftop solar market in the Empire State. High electricity rates, Local Law 97, and the recent expansion of the NYC Solar + Storage Property Tax Abatement are important factors, but there is more at play. Join policy experts and local solar industry leaders for a lively discussion about NYC’s burgeoning solar market and what challenges and opportunities lie ahead.

Moderator: Jonathan Cohen, Policy Director, NYSEIA

Amy Heart Senior Vice President of Public Policy, Sunrun
Summer Sandoval Policy Advisor, Clean Energy & Equity at NYC Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice (MOCEJ)
Ben Cuozzo Director, DER Advisory Services, NYPA
Brian Cuff COO, Parasol 
Barrett Silver Executive VP of Sales & MarketingAccord Power

11:00 AM Networking Break  
11:30 AM energy storage in nyc: charging ahead
  Gerald W. Lynch Theater
NYC has more than one gigawatt of retail energy storage projects in the interconnection queue, including hundreds of megawatts in advanced stages of development. This flurry of development is in response to strong price signals in Con Edison’s Value of Distributed Energy Resources (VDER) tariff, pending NYSERDA funding through New York’s 6 GW Energy Storage Roadmap, and NYC’s recent zoning text amendment to ease storage permitting. Join this discussion on the key challenges and opportunities in NYC’s burgeoning energy storage market, and what policies and programs are needed to convert NYC’s storage potential into operational assets that support grid flexibility and decarbonization.


Moderator:  Daniella Leifer NY DG Ombudsman, Sustainable CUNY

Claudia Villar-Leeman Sr. Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, NY-BEST
Joe White Distributed Generation Ombudsman, Con Edison
Adam Cohen, PhD CTO, Co-founder NineDot
Shyam Mehta Assistant Director, Distributed Energy Resources and Energy Storage, NYSERDA

12:15 PM
Lunch and Networking

Sign up when you arrive at the summit to join the Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice (MOCEJ) for facilitated conversations that brings together stakeholders and decision-makers to problem-solve and apply creative-thinking to important issues related to centering equity in our move away from fossil fuels in NYC.

1:30 Pm
Decarbonization pathways for ll97 compliance
  Gerald W Lynch Theater
2024 is the first compliance year for Local Law 97, NYC’s landmark climate law that regulates carbon emissions for large buildings. In this session, leaders from the Mayor’s Office, NYC Department of Buildings, real estate, and clean energy sectors will discuss how covered buildings are cost-effectively reducing their emissions with energy efficiency, electrification and distributed solar + storage.

Moderator: Richard Yancey Exec. Dir., Building Energy Exchange 

Joe Chavez Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice
Amanda Clevinger Policy and Programs Director, BrightPower
Bomee Jung CEO, Cadence 1.5
Geoff Hurst SVP Environmental Performance, Renewable Energy Development, Related Companies

2:15 Pm
city and state: aligning policies to achieve clcpa progress
  Gerald W Lynch Theater
Decarbonizing NYC’s electric grid is central to achieving the statewide CLCPA requirement of 70% renewable electric supply by 2030. In this conversation, senior leaders from the office of the Mayor and Governor will discuss how the City & State are aligning policies, programs and strategic investments to support progress toward CLCPA goals.

Moderator: Dale Bryk Senior Fellow for Energy and Environment, Regional Plan Association

John O'Leary Deputy Secretary for Energy & Environment, Office of the Governor of NY
Rohit Aggarwala 
Commissioner of the NYC Dept of Environmental Protection and the City’s Chief Climate Officer

3:00 PM
3:15 Pm
energy storage safety: evolving technology and regulations

Gerald W Lynch Theater
Safety regulations for battery energy storage have evolved tremendously over the last few years, shaping the trajectory of the industry and products on the market. Join this session to learn about key developments, how innovations are making products safer, and how this contributes to our understanding of better design and installation of ESS, with a focus on dense urban environments.


Moderator: David Sandbank VP Distributed Energy Resources & Transportation, NYSERDA

Brian Warshay Director, Energy Storage Engineering, DNV
Nicholas Petrakis P.E. FPE,  Mechanical/Fire Protection Engineer, ESRG
Eva Gardow Technical Executive, EPRI

3:15 Pm
incentives and financing for solar + stoRage
  Location L63
The Inflation Reduction Act has created unprecedented opportunities for property owners and clean energy developers to leverage federal resources to implement clean energy upgrades. In New York City, state and local programs play an equally important role. In April 2024, the EPA announced $27B in grants toward green banks and toward low-income solar initiatives via Solar for All. Join this panel discussion to hear public and private sector perspectives on how these new investments will support clean energy deployment, what changes and guidance are needed for these programs to be most impactful, and how clean energy developers and property owners can tap into these resources.

Moderator: Max Joel Director, NY-Sun Initiative, NYSERDA

Kelsey Clair Director, New York Green Bank
Anum Chandani VP of Energy Storage, CleanCapital
Rob Crauderueff CEO, Crauderueff Solar
Rob Parker Chief Commercial Officer, Crux Climate 

4:00 Pm
building nyc's clean energy workforce

Gerald W Lynch Theater
Decarbonizing New York’s buildings and electric grid will require a massive, trained workforce. NYC has plans that call for training 400,000 “green collar” workers by 2040, with a focus on supporting individuals from environmentally disadvantaged communities, and NYS’s ambitious climate action strategy is expected to create opportunities for workers that are transitioning into the clean energy economy. This panel will discuss the challenges and opportunities for retraining the existing workforce while preparing those just entering the workforce for emerging clean energy careers. 


Moderator: Lauren Anderson Uni. Assoc. Provost of Careers and Industry Partnerships, CUNY

Michael Yee Director, Educational and Cultural Trust Fund of the Electrical Industry
Shakira Hart Senior Director of Community Engagement, Solar One
Katy Burgio Deputy Director of Sustainability Programs, NYCHA
Gaelen McKee President, Brooklyn SolarWorks

4:00 Pm
smart electrification and virtual power plants

Location L63
Electrification is driving electric load growth for the first time in decades, presenting an immense challenge for our aging power system. Expanding the transmission and distribution system to meet 100% of projected load growth for NYC will be tremendously expensive. Virtual Power Plants (VPPs), or aggregations of distributed energy resources, are a cost-effective, flexible alternative. Join this conversation to learn how utilities and clean energy technology companies are deploying VPPs today and what policies, programs and technologies will be needed to scale up VPPs to meet New York’s clean energy goals.


Moderator: Carrie Gallagher Director, Long Island Office, NYS Department of Public Service

Rachel Charow Section Manager, Flexible Demand Team, Con Edison
Andy Frank Founder and President, Sealed
Roland Doorduyn Commercial Head North America, Lunar Energy
Reid Garton CEO, NY State Solar 

5:00 Pm
happy hour - atrium






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