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Find Your Latitude and Longitude Coordinates to Add Your Installation to Map

  1. Open Google Maps
  2. Navigate to and right-click the location of your installed solar system on the map.
  3. Select What's here?
  4. A card appears at the bottom of the screen with more info.
  5. Enter your latitude and longitude coordinates into the "Add Your Installation to the Solar Map" form.



I'm a "Solar Connect" installer and I need help updating my preferences

  1. Update your preferences by logging into your account here.
  2. If you forgot your password go through the password reset process.
  3. If you no longer have access to your email account send an email to solarmap @ with the following information:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Installer Company
    • current email address
    • email address you signed up to Solar Connect with, but no longer have access to
    • Phone number